Upcoming events: Dj workshop for teens

DJ Workshop for Teens

Exclusive and unique DJ workshop in our glamorous V-Club! From basic to pro techniques.

DJ Workshop for Teens

Happening on multiple dates, from the 10th of July to the 27th of December 2024


If you're looking for a fun and engaging lesson with a DJ, look no further! This is a unique opportunity to learn the essential skills of a CDJ, a DJ Mixer and how to work the custom-designed LED light wall.

Start your journey in music!

Workshop for teenagers (min 12 yrs old)
Price: 40€ per person, min 2, max 8

  • For Teens
  • Workshop



1h 30m

Wed, 30 Oct 2024 - 11:00
Fri, 27 Dec 2024 - 11:00
Contact Us:
  • +351 282 310 100
    Cost of a local landline call (or international call, if calling from outside of the EU)

Subject to availability. Advance booking is advised.

Prices include VAT at the current legal taxes and may be subject to changes without prior notice.

This programme may be subject to changes without prior notice.

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