Restaurantes & Bars: Atlantico dish.

Interview with Chef Alípio Branco

Passionate about the Algarve's rich gastronomic heritage

Interview with Chef Alípio Branco

Passionate about the Algarve's rich gastronomic heritage

Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024
  • Gastronomy

Chef Alípio Branco, Executive Sous Chef of Vila Vita, is passionate about the Algarve's rich gastronomic heritage, using his relationships with regional producers to inspire Atlântico’s latest menu - a fresh and innovative dining experience that celebrates locally sourced ingredients.

Upcoming events: Alípio Branco
1. What makes working with local producers so important?

It’s their unique understanding of their produce. We find every ingredient has a story behind it - and that’s something we try to respect. 

2. How did this influence the new menu at Atlântico restaurant?

We wanted to pay tribute to authentic Mediterranean flavours, where we find the roots of our gastronomic heritage, real local products, from tomatoes and olive oil to figs and tuna. 

V-life Magazine: Local producers.
V-life Magazine: Food Market.
V-life Magazine: Local producers.
3. What advice would you give to aspiring chefs who want to focus on sustainability?

For me, it's about learning the story of each product, who grew it, where does it comes from - that way we can respect the care and passion that went into it.  

4. What inspired you to work closely with local producers to source ingredients?

This has happened over time. There's always a story behind each product, it's this discovery, the exchange of information and wisdom at the origin of the product or that makes each ingredient special, that inspires me the most and from which I draw great motivation to do more research.

It also is a way to show that the Algarve is not just about a particular product, for example, it's not just about fish. It's richer than that. It also has very good meat, among other things.

Moreover, I like having the opportunity to showcase the work of small producers. Often these are businesses that I discover by chance, as was the case with Mrs. Lurdes' cheese factory in Odeleite, which I can assure you are some of the best I've ever tasted and has a great business story behind. 

5. What are some of the most unique or striking ingredients you've discovered through working with local producers?

Undoubtedly the Algarve churra, a species of sheep that is typical from the Algarve and is currently on the verge of extinction. It was often seen grazing on the banks of the Ria Formosa and this helped it to be valued for its meat, but also for its wool, and cheese was even made from its milk. 

Another one could be the fresh goat's cheese, which is very prevalent in the Algarve. 

Others: Churra Sheep
6. What do you think is the importance of using locally sourced products in today's culinary scene?

Encouraging small producers is very important, their products are rarely just the end product itself. As I've said before, there's a story behind it, whether it's a life story or knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation and that we shouldn't lose.

It's part of the cultural heritage of the region, of the people. And of course, by buying nearby, we reduce our environmental footprint and support the local community in general, not just the producers.

What's more, the quality of the product we receive is unquestionable, you can tell from the flavour. The flavour says it all. 

7. What are some of your favourite dishes that highlight locally sourced ingredients?

Lily with tomato for its freshness. As I don't eat much meat, I always order fish if I have the choice. 

8. How is sustainability incorporated into the sourcing of ingredients and kitchen practices at the Atlântico restaurant?

Our practice is to minimise single-use plastic. We use the whole piece, for example the bones of monkfish and fish, to make broths, which we then use in the kitchen. Basically, we follow Vila Vita's philosophy in this regard, working with local producers whose work meets the quality standards that the resort has set itself, and we update the menu with fruit, vegetables and other seasonal products every month. In this way, we are also making use of the region's immense wealth of ingredients and we end up letting guests know a little more about what is typical in the Algarve cuisine. 

Restaurantes & Bars: Atlantico dish.
Upcoming events: Atlantico's dish.
9. How do you stay inspired and passionate about working in the culinary field?

Good products to work with inspire me a lot, but it's in the team that I find the greatest motivation.  Having a good team makes a big difference on a daily basis. I like this teamwork, I like the exchange of knowledge and, above all, passing on knowledge to those who come. Apart from that, seeing the guest's satisfaction during the meal is a source of pride.